Discovering new realities

The classical physics of the great Isaac Newton is based on observations related to everyday objects, since the fall of an apple to planets in orbit. Its laws were tested extensively since its discovery in the XVII century. But, when physicists began to create tools to investigate the tiny particles of atoms, discovered something that left them astonished: the physics of Newton was not working in the sub-atomic world. Throughout the twentieth century was creating a completely new scientific description to explain the world of the tiny. This new knowledge, known as quantum mechanics or quantum physics, does not come to replace the physics of Newton, who works and very well to explain the large objects, macroscopic. The new physics, in contrast, is discovered for reaching the subatomic world.

The universe is a miracle, as I would say the philosopher and mathematician Russian P. Ouspensky. There would appear two groups of laws that govern the universe. At the level of the daily lives of all of us, things are explained according to the laws of the dynamics and movement that discovered Newton (the laws explain the bodies in movement, they allow and calculate trajectories), as well as the law of gravity, etc. However, when we arrived to a smaller scale, at the level of the atoms, displays a different set of laws. Are the quantum laws.

In 1900, the German physicist Max Planck first used the term quantum applied to science. It comes from a Latin word that means simply sum or quantity, but is used to designate the smallest unit of energy or the matter.

What quantum theory has revealed leave us as stunned since it sounds like science fiction: the particles can be in two or more places at once. (See the movie "And thou what do you know?" for more information). Einstein said that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light, but quantum physics have demonstrated that the subatomic particles are communicated to appear instantly, regardless of the extension of the space. Although the instantaneous speed has been demonstrated by the quantum physics, who also referred to this in his teachings was Gurdjieff.

The classical physics was reductionist. It was based on the premise that only if you know the different parts, you can finally understand everything. The new physics is more organic and holistic; paints a picture of the universe as a unified whole, whose parties are interconnected and influence over each other.

Perhaps the most important thing is that quantum physics has cleared the sharp division between subject and object, between observer and observed, that has dominated the western science.

In quantum physics, the observer influences the observed object. There are no observers isolated from the mechanical universe, but that all participates in the universe.

The psychological and philosophical implications of these findings are extraordinary. Because if the observer is not impartial, therefore the interest settles in study to which notes, i.e. the attention of the study is directed toward the same mind of man. Therefore depth psychology and quantum mechanics are closely related. W.Heisenberg (Nobel Prize for Physics) argued that the mind was a factor inherent to the problem. Referred to the act of the measurement as to the "act of registering the result in the mind of the observer".

According to David Bohm, physical and at the same time disciple of Krishnamurti, quantum mechanics reveals that the reality is a unified whole in which everything is connected at a profound level that goes beyond the limits of ordinary space and time. Bohm launched the idea that there is a "implied order" from which emanates everything known to man. This same reflection to which arrives David Bohm since its field, physics, is that up Jung from the field of the science of the mind or Psychology when he referred to the archetypes (model paramount) as factors computers of human life. And his conception of the collective unconscious, which is one for the whole of humanity. That is to say, there are 7 billion inhabitants according to UN, 7 billion egos and a single collective unconscious for the entire humanity. Jung, personally, helped the development of Quantum Physics, teaching, guiding and directing in his ideas to the Nobel Prize of Physics Wolfgang Pauli. That is why the Professor Leon Azoulay incorporated into the program of training of Evolutionary Psychology an item about the Quantum Physics and its relationship with our psyche.


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