Who is the hero in the mythology?

The mythological hero is a symbol that brings together multiple meanings, from which you can give an account of the human complexity. We need to differentiate the mythological hero from the "super-hero", better known through the cinema, animations and  the comics. The actions of the super-hero respond to the exclusionary polarity of the good and the evil, the light and the dark, black and white. But thinking in human life, this polarity is revealed false and with a tendency to shadow everything.
A first feature of the mythological hero is that it makes reference to a somebody who evolves rather than to be in a unique position and determined for ever. The hero is more a journey, a path, a way and a process than a substance.
A second feature of the hero is that, in his process to be an hero recognizes and accepts its own conditionals. Progressively, the hero leaves the conditioned, structured and secure and dares to what is new and original in a rectification movement of their actions.
We are realizing that the hero is not only a young man and almighty The hero is who assume the challenges that come from their own answers and authenticity. The mythology calls these challenges the "tests" in the way of the hero.
Numerous mythological episodes show us these tests: an example is the clash of the hero with monstrous and powerful beings that can destroy him, as Perseus facing Medusa; the heroes of the Popol Vuh resolving the tests imposed to them by the gods of the underworld; Psyche, carrying out the work asked by Venus; Elal, passing the exam of the Moon, to married with the Daughter of the Sun; Jason, daring to the trials submitted to him by the King Aeetes, possessor of the Golden Fleece.
Facing these tests and especially with the resolution of overcome them assumed by the hero, usually appears any figure that serves as an ad hoc ally: a god, a goddess, another individual, a set of individuals, a bird, a being from the vegetable world, a stone with certain properties. The ally, will bring him some help: will give him an object tool and an accurate indication that helps him avoid unnecessary rodeos or it is what will help him to know a substance that become him invulnerable to the hazards; in order, it is what assisted with valuable information and appropriate objects to pass through the tests.
After these tests, sometimes the hero emerges strengthened, accessing to a hidden treasure, finding the true love, rescuing a prisoner or releasing to the oppression entire communities. Other times, even not reaching what was proposed, however, in the movement of try he has learned many things, he is no longer the same as when he started. Something fundamental about what he has learned is to accept himself entirely, with his limitations and possibilities; he has dared to face their fears, self-deceptions and auto prosecutions which paralyzed him, and in the process, it has been gaining the most authentic and own of itself; now he feels and acts in the world as a being with more integrity and more opened to social and community life.
These lines are an invitation to us to return to look to the hero who brings us from the mythology, we have to stop projecting him in something from the outside, from strange cultures to our roots, from the tv shows, as the human models proposed to us by the large media corporations: the hero and the heroin are we ourselves when we act from the creative own - and not from the repetitive and imitator-, and with the enthusiasm we engender in the collective to which we belong.

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